Our Story

My love of rocks started in our gravel driveway. Some of my earliest memories are of sifting through those rocks and proudly showing off my newest treasures. That curiosity stuck with me through university, a job working in a geology museum, and a PhD, ultimately becoming a professional geologist. And I’ve expanded that childhood rock collection with me on every stop of the journey. Founding Hunter Rock and Mineral is my chance to share the passion and joy of collecting rocks with you.

At Hunter Rock and Mineral, we curate unique and beautiful pieces for collectors, enthusiasts and people looking for a different way to decorate their homes. Our samples are collected from around the world and hand selected for their unique and striking appearance.

A little bit about me.

I have a BS in Geology from the UW, Madison and a PhD in Structural Geology and Metamorphic Petrology from Cornell University. Since graduating over 10 years ago, I have worked in the energy industry while continuing to pursue all of my hobbies on the side. I am a father and husband, hiker and explorer, fish-keeping enthusiast, photographer, gamer and generally a nerd. I enjoy a nice beer, talking about science of almost any sort, and sharing the passion I have for these hobbies with others. That is why I decided to start Hunter Rock and Mineral.